What are Preview & Beta Features?

STREAMBOXY is a constantly evolving platform, we are very customer-focused and rely on your feedback when it comes to new features. 

Therefore we provide features as early as possible, so you can play with them, give feedback and influence the development process. 

Nevertheless, we maintain a stable set of functionality you can rely on. 

In order to have a disambiguation of generally available and preview features, we mark preview features with a "Preview" or "Beta" flag.

These marks can be found either in STREAMBOXY platform or the documentation.

custom mail templates


Features marked as Preview or Beta (either in the platform or documentation) aren’t part of Services under your subscription agreement or any other contract with STREAMBOXY

Use these features at your sole discretion, and make your purchase decisions only on the basis of generally available features. 

STREAMBOXY doesn’t guarantee general availability of these features within any particular time frame or at all, and we can discontinue it at any time. 

Preview Features are for evaluation purposes only, not for production use. They are offered as is and aren't supported. STREAMBOXY has no liability for any harm or damage arising out of or in connection with it. 

All restrictions, STREAMBOXY's reservation of rights, obligations concerning the Services apply equally to your use of this feature.