In the general event settings, you have the option of selecting time-based notifications, action-based notifications and the notification language of your notification template

Here you can select the templates you have created from the notification templates selected in the tenant settings.

Configuration of time-based notifications

Here you can set the time at which a specific e-mail should be sent automatically.

Edit one of the pre-set notifications or create a new time-based template yourself. 

Creating a new time-based notification

To create a new automated email, click on the button of the same name.

A new page opens on which you can maintain all the settings for creating a new time-based notification.

Assign a name, use an e-mail template you have created from the Content Manager (by clicking on the folder next to the Https line), 

select a target group and maintain all settings for sending e-mails (time, subject, BCC and calendar entry).

Editing an already created time-controlled notification template

Click on the pencil icon on the right-hand side of the notification. A user interface opens where you can make the following settings.

Activate notification

If the box is ticked, the email template you have activated will be sent automatically with the settings made below.

activate notification


Enter an internal name for your notification here. 

Email Template

Select a e-mail template from your Assets here.

Target group

Select a target group that should receive your e-mail automatically. You can choose between the following options:

  • All
  • Speaker
  • Participant
  • Organiser


The dispatch status of your automated e-mail is displayed here.

Time of email dispatch

Set the exact time at which your notification will be sent before or after the event.

Email Dispatch


With the recurrence setting, you can send your emails periodically (daily or weekly) before the event.

For example, you can send yourself or other organisers weekly emails about your current participant numbers.

recurrence pattern

Calendar entry

When activated, a calendar entry is also sent in your time-controlled e-mail.

Configuration of time-based notifications - send email

If you want to send an e-mail promptly, you can select it directly from your content management system using the "Send e-mail" button or enter it in the line, specify the target group and assign the e-mail properties. By confirming the "Send e-mail" button, the e-mail will be sent after 15 minutes.

Please note: The emails can only be sent if the reminder has been activated for your users.

send email settings

Configuration of action-based notifications 

Action-based notifications are triggered when a specific event occurs.

  • Sign up confirmations 

    This email is sent when a user registers for an event with a registration authorisation that is still pending.

  • Double opt in 
    This email is set and sent for anonymous user registrations. In this email, the user must confirm receipt of the email in order to receive a personalised access link to the event.

  • Participant invitation

    This email is sent to participants after they have registered and contains the participant's individual access link to the event. Depending on the participant system, the sending of this email must be activated.

  • User OTP (one-time password)
    This email is sent if a one-time password has been set for your event. This will be sent in a separate email after registration has been completed when the user attempts to take part in the event.

  • Invitations for speakers
    This email is sent to the speakers after a manual speaker creation or user import. This email contains the individual access link to the event.

  • Sign up rejected 
    This email is sent to anonymously registered users if their registration is rejected.

By clicking on the "plus" to the right of each notification, the settings for the action-based notification can be edited.

action based settings

Configuration of the notification language

Beneath "Language", select a template language that is generally valid for your event and that uses template variants for sending emails to users.

Configuration of the calendar entry content

At the bottom of the notifications settings you can enter individual text which gets displayed in the attached calendar entry .ics file.
Moreover it is possible to use merge tags as dynamic placeholders, see the following article if you want to know more about that.
Calendar Entry settings

Individual E-Mail Notifications for Sessions

If you want to create an individual notification for a single session, first navigate to the Notifications tab and then select Session notifications.

You will now see an overview of the sessions you have created.

You can use the pencil icon to edit and manage the notifications for the respective session.


In the notification settings you will find an overview of the notifications for the respective session. If there is no notification yet, you can create a new one using the Add automated e-mail button.

Session notifications empty

As with the event notification settings, you can now create a new notification here by selecting an e-mail template and specifying the dispatch time. Then save your template.

Edit time-based notification

You will now see the newly created notification in the overview and can edit or remove it if necessary.Notification Overview

Activate Notifications for Participants

If you now want to determine which participants in a session receive the message, navigate back to the event settings and select the Agenda & Sessions tab. 

Now select the desired session for which you want to manage the sending of individual notifications and click on Edit.

Agenda & Sessions

Now scroll to the Session permissions item in the session settings and click on it.

Edit Session

You can now tick the box for each person individually who should receive a notification for this session.

To do this, select the Send reminder checkbox next to each user.

In general, the reminder is always issued for manually added participants. Users who have registered directly for the session have activated the reminder.

Session Permissions